In the years we have been playing and teaching we have commonly been asked which gong should a person choose. It’s such a personal choice and what will resonate with one person will not with another. That being said, it’s useful to have an idea of both the sonic character of a gong as well as the symbolic attributes associated with it. We have a large collection of gongs which we are always adding to. Some of these gongs are easily obtained through major gong retailers, whereas others are more unique and not so readily available. We have put together the following information which we hope will be useful for those of you wanting to listen and read a bit more before taking the plunge! We have allowed the gongs to be played as they have wanted to so each of the sound examples vary in length and quality. Enjoy the listening and reading experience and we hope it is of some use. It is important to say that each gong is unique in its own sound and qualities, so one Mars Gong, for example, will not sound like another, but the general character will be similar.

Planet Gongs

Earth – Platonic Year

The Platonic Year Earth gong actually represents a complete cycle of all of the Zodiac signs of a period of around 25,800 years which is also known as the Great Year. Tuned to the note of F which corresponds traditionally to the Heart, our personal experience is that playing and receiving the tones of this gong is a very heart-opening experience, opening a person up to unconditional love. For us, this gong represents enlightened thinking and this is something humanity must strive to attain in these times, remembering who we are in terms of our soul’s journey and connecting deeply with cosmic consciousness. There is so much fear embedded deeply in the energetic layers of the human consciousness at this epoch in history and by remembering who we are, eternal souls, extensions of all that is, leads us to understand another aspect of this Gong, Universal Oneness. In this understanding, we can move through a lot of the fear-based programming which abounds and remember our perfection as part of the Universal Whole, and this wisdom provides us with inner peace and serenity regardless of any chaos around us on the Earth plane. Working with this gong creates an internal balance because of this enlightened consciousness. If you are unsure about things the energy of the Platonic Year provides confirmation and clarification that all is as it should be, despite what it looks like at the time. It brings a sense of peace amidst the chaos.

30” Platonic Year F2


Jupiter is known as the King of the Gods, and the ruler of the Sun Sign Sagittarius.   We always enjoy playing our Jupiter gong so much. When it arrived with us, it brought six months of good fortune and lucky moments, synonymous with this planet. Jupiter brings a sense of optimism regardless of what is going on around us, allowing us to have a sense of humour even if chaos abounds. It reminds us of the abundance, plenty and bounty of our lives, a time thus of gratitude. Working with Jupiter allows us to be fearless in the face of change, allowing us to have trust and faith that we are on the correct life path along which we can move with ease and grace. Its affirming energy allows us to follow this path through our hopes and desires, knowing that opening up to expansion in our creative endeavours will bring us to live a successful life of potential and growth as we seek a broader purpose. Associated with the spiritual master, Jupiter strives for fairness, an idealistic approach to all of life’s challenges and pursuits, and lives by a strong moral code and honour. Jupiter allows us to show mercy and goodwill to those we encounter on our journey through life. It is a beautiful gong allowing us to seek insights through knowledge and having faith that all is part of the Grand Design.

28”  Jupiter F#2


The planet for the Sun Sign of Aries, let us introduce the exciting Mars Gong. Mars brings in strength and courage in the face of adversity.  It also is a gong for increasing our vitality and energy. Clients are often surprised when we work with the Mars gong predominantly during a sound bath as they feel very energised at the end, as opposed to their normal sedation!  Mars brings a boost to our energies, allowing us to step out of inertia and stagnation and keep active in our ambitions and our endeavours. This gong motivates us and enables Self-Mastery, allowing us to take new initiatives, deepen our resolve and be determined to triumph despite any setbacks we may encounter.  It gives us the stamina and will power to continue regardless of obstacles or misfortune. The energy of Mars can be quite restless and it is wise to channel the extra energy into achieving our dreams. Mars provides an energy of desire and decisiveness; it will allow us to be assertive in our endeavours and enable us to look into accomplishing new ambitions which allow us to follow our passions. Mars encourages you to tap into your inner Warrior in the face of challenging times.  Despite its reputation as the planet of War,  the voice of Mars is very warm and soothing.

32” Mars D2


We arrive at the planet of communication and expression, Mercury the Messenger in the Sun Sign of Gemini, the sign of the Twins.   Working with Mercury gives clarity allowing us to use our intellect to make sound judgement regarding different circumstances. As we coordinate concepts and facts pulling them apart and putting them back together again, it allows us to use our intellect to give both perspective and understanding regarding any situation as well as making use of both conscious and unconscious knowledge and using both our intelligence and analytical skills to make sense of what we are presented with.  It allows us educated understanding and brings us to objective awareness. This planet also lends of course to mercurial energy and inspires us to get creative and inventive in our business endeavours.  Mercury supports growth within ones business by making use of marketing and advertising methods and allows us to be alert to opportunities which arise.  Mercury supports us having ideas to promote our endeavours through taking a realistic approach and being versatile where necessary.   In terms of communicating information and ideas, we are able to do diplomatically and eloquently so that people have clear understanding about what we are trying to say.  Many of you will know Mercury for its trickster energy at the time of Mercury Retrograde which takes place several times a year and coincides with chaos energy, heavily impacting all manner of communication.   One of the gifts of Mercury in retrograde is its insistence to work with your own Shadow material and this in itself can make this astrological time a challenge.  If you find the chaos of a Mercury Retrograde period difficult at all or feel you need help with your expression and communication or reasoning skills, then take time out and listen to the sounds of the Mercury gong.

32” C#2

Moon (Sidereal Full Moon)

The Sidereal Full Moon Gong brings in more light and thus more power as you would expect from a Full Moon. Its increased power assists any practise focused on personal growth or spiritual development allowing us to reflect deeply on the Self and bringing forward interesting revelations from the subconscious. The Sidereal gong allows us to get in touch with our feelings, bringing us back to emotional balance, as well as giving increased self-confidence in our abilities. The lunar energy again brings in a sense of enhanced intuition, sensitivity and psychic ability. Like the Synodic, the Sidereal Gong allows us to communicate both our sensuality and sexuality from our Divine Feminine nature. The nurturing, maternal energy of the moon gongs allows us to trust in the benevolence of the Universe. The Sidereal gong makes us more receptive and empathetic in our interaction with others, again qualities we associate with those born under the Sun sign of Cancer. The energy of the Full Moon means that we have to demonstrate patience and endurance in recent cycles, but we are close to the completion of our goals. This gong can often bring about a release of emotion which in itself will bring us back to balance in terms of emotions and wellbeing.

24”Moon A

Moon (Synodic New Moon)

The Synodic New Moon Gong brings in an influential growing energy, a time of renewal, growth and hope, a time of new beginnings. The energy of this  gong says rest a bit longer, take stock of all you’ve been ruminating on but get ready to start new endeavours and make positive changes. The Synodic gong supports in ending bad habits or negative things in  your life, cleansing body and mind to create inner harmony and peace and better health. Continue to clear away from both your mind and your environment anything that is no longer required and as you do so, emotional balance will be restored. Working with the Synodic New Moon enhances sensitivity and intuition.  Psychic ability, natural instinct and divinatory powers are increased, which are all natural attributes for those born under the Sun sign of Cancer. The Moon gongs work with the Divine Feminine.  The nurturing, maternal energy of the moon gongs provides a sense of security. Flowing with the natural cycles of life, the moon gong also brings in balance in our sexuality. If we are feeling vulnerable, defensive or hypersensitive, the Synodic New Moon will gently bring us back to balance.

24” Moon G#


As we move into the sun sign of Pisces we discover the mystical Neptune gong. A small gong at 24”, we have used mallets made for much larger gongs to really show the depths of this gong. The Neptune Gong is the firstly the gong of the Mystic and the Spiritual Devotee, enabling us to reach a heightened awareness and higher spiritual consciousness. Through realisation we transcend the mundane and the illusions of our 3D reality and attain Unity Consciousness; the understanding of Oneness, enabling us to reach a state of Bliss as well as encouraging compassion through sacrifice. The Gong of the Artist, the Neptune Gong allows us to express our creativity through our art, poetry or music by accessing the unconscious and our imagination and becoming inspired by our intuition, our dreams and our visions. Sonically it sounds like the watery depths of the Ocean allowing the listener to surf on the waves of sound, evoking aspects of the Water Element such as psychic ability, ESP and dreaming. It enables us to not give up on the idea of a perfect world where man can live in beauty and harmony and reclaim our power as we comprehend our Divinity in human form.

24” Neptune G#2


Pluto, the planet for the Sun Sign Scorpio works on our Shadow Self, not only individually but in the case of global events, collectively, by shining light on those shadows and purging the darkness held within. Our Shadow contains all the subconscious behaviours we endeavour to keep secret and hide away from the world, but which are often glaringly apparent to others. In the case of what we are experiencing as a Collective at this time in history, Pluto shines the torch of awareness of injustice, untruths and misconceptions so that justice, truth and understanding can be found once more. Global spiritual growth and balance can only occur when we work individually on ourselves. We are indeed the Microcosm of the Macrocosm. For those wishing to do some powerful spiritual work on the Self, and understand the polarities of the human existence, Pluto is one of the best gongs to work with, in that Shadow Work is probably the most important work you will do in your journey to Self-Individuation and Self-Realisation. By breaking down the ego, we often experience deep catharsis as we integrate our life experiences, remove the old, outdated thought processes and patterns of behaviour, let go of the past and purify and refine our consciousness. Through this deep inner work, we transcend the mundane and can see the connection between all things. We free up the energy which we have repressed into our Shadow so that we can experience a rebirth and renewal, transforming ourselves. In doing so, we transcend into higher states of awareness so that we discover and experience the meaning of our lives, understand our true purpose and fulfil our potential.

36” Pluto C2


We introduce the Saturn Gong, representing the planet of Karma and responsibility. The Planet for the Sun Sign Capricorn, Saturn gives us the discipline and persistence to fulfil our goals. Saturn provides a serious energy, perhaps something we need to embrace in the turning of the new year when its role is at its most dominant, making humanity responsible for the choices we have made which have brought our planet and its societies to their current state of being. Saturn allows us to gain wisdom from experience as well as understanding, acceptance and awareness. It is a planet of integrity and creates a powerful energy to keep going, giving us the focus, concentration and structure we need to achieve our aims. A new paradigm for the new decade perhaps?

32” Saturn D2


The powerful Sun Gong is not a Gong we personally can play quietly, and is no shrinking violet – its radiant and strong energy wants to sound out loud and clear, demonstrating its individuality and shining life spirit which is also typical of the Sun Sign Leo to which it corresponds. We always go to this Gong if clients or ourselves are feeling a little world-weary, and more often than not, within a very short time it uplifts and brings back a sense of purpose, confidence, vitality and positivity, bringing a smile and sunshine back into one’s life.  Supreme for mental and emotional challenges,  the Sun Gong purifies and cuts through negativity, allowing you to not only endure whatever life challenge has presented, but also enables you to tap into your own solar energy, your personal power, so that you can be a force of dynamic willpower in this world. Brilliant, inspiring and illuminating are some of its qualities, shining light on what needs to change and what we need to make happen so that we can tap into our unlimited potential.

38” Sun B1


We move into the sun sign of Aquarius with the innovative Uranus gong. A small gong at 24”, it gives a sense of freedom, originality and innovation. Working with this gong gives a sense of spontaneity, perhaps even an inner revolution which may result in life changes and new adventures and discoveries. Often providing a new perspective on an issue, it can give insight, clarity and realisation. It allows you to step into the unknown like the Fool in the Tarot Card, taking the jump and the leap of faith. Providing creative focus, it assists when you need to think outside the box. Working with this gong helps people who are stagnating, playing it too safe in situations which will no longer support their growth. Uranus brings change, and if those changes are unexpected, acceptance of the new that these changes will bring. A great energy to work with at the start of the new decade and the start of the new!

24” Uranus G#2


We now find ourselves at the Sun Sign Taurus (and also Libra) with the beautiful Venus Gong. Another small gong at 24” this gong has an exquisite sound which is truly representative of the attributes for the planet Venus. Its gentle tones evoke positive emotions such as joy, love and harmony, beauty and compassion. Venus by name and Venusian by nature, this gong represents many attributes of the Divine Feminine. Her energy allows us to surrender to what is with grace and go with the flow, allowing us to find pleasure in simple things. It allows us to explore our creativity through artistic exploration and imagination and find things which bring us comfort and balance. Venusian energy reminds us of the wealth and abundance of the Universe which is all around us and doesn’t rely on finances alone. It allows us to attract just what we need into our lives. A gong which inspires union, affection and connection reminding us we are all connected through the universal web and can link in with others at any time on an energetic basis. We find its sounds are heart-opening and blissful, and it allows us to trust that all is unfolding according to the Divine plan. Listening to this gong soothes away concerns and worries, bringing balance, strength and renewal.

24” Venus A2